

最新一代的远程家庭监控远远超出了烟雾探测和入侵警报. 多种专业和自己动手的选择可以帮助你的家成为一个智能家居.

What are the statistics?

Every 30 seconds a home is burglarized in the U.S. 平均财产损失为2661美元. Data from the FBI shows that during 2019, 55.7% of all burglaries were due to forced entry. In addition, 62.8%的盗窃案发生在家中或住宅.

According to the National Fire Protection Association 消防部门每23秒就会对一场火灾做出反应, 2020年,每89秒就发生一起家庭火灾. In addition, a 2021 report from the U.S Fire Administration 显示电气故障是2019年住宅建筑火灾的第四大原因.

如今,家庭监控系统的作用不仅仅是防止盗窃. 它们是关于保护你的房屋和财产免受盗窃、火灾甚至水的损害.


许多远程家庭监控系统甚至不需要典型的触摸板, key fobs or monthly monitoring fees. There are many easier, 在智能家居中,你可以使用更便宜、更多功能的替代品,你可能已经在口袋里了——你的智能手机.

In some cases, monitoring homes remotely can be a minimal, 通过使用提供可以通过手机控制的单一设备的产品,自己动手. But for a more comprehensive service 最新一代智能家居系统的功能远不止烟雾探测和入侵警报. 许多包括实时视频监控选项, 运动激活记录,甚至夜视. 系统还可以监测空气质量、温度和湿度.

Remotely-controlled ovens, water heaters and washing machines are here, too, although still in early stages, and many more items are in development.

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Devices that monitor fire activity

Devices that monitor water activity

Devices that monitor crime activity

  • Broken glass alert
  • Door or window opened alert
  • Motion detection
  • Locking of doors
  • Motion-activated camera
  • Turning on lights

Devices that help with care monitoring

Devices that provide convenience

  • Connected electrical outlets
  • Thermostats
  • Appliance shutoff

A home alert protection discount may be available to State Farm® 安装火灾、烟雾或防盗报警器的客户. 此外,你可能有资格获得一个免费的智能手机 Ting device that can help you prevent electrical fires. Please see your agent today for more information.


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Bloomington, IL

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Bloomington, IL

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Winter Haven, FL

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