



If you’re asking yourself how you can save some money, t这里 are plenty of 节约能源的方法 帮你把钱放回口袋里. 拔掉电器, 适当的海豹, lowering the temperature on the hot water heater 和 investing in 能源 saving smart home devices are just some ways that could help.


根据 Trulia网站, those electronics 和 small appliances that you only need for part of the day, 就像微波炉, 手机充电器和咖啡机, 例如, 消耗你每年能源成本的10%. 使用它们,如果可能的话拔掉它们. Then take a look around your home – what’s plugged in that isn’t being used? 拔掉插头!

Only run your major appliances (like your dishwasher 和 your washer 和 dryer) during "non-peak hours" — pre-specified times typically associated with lower dem和. 向你的公用事业公司查询详情. 尽量让它满负荷运行.


Just a slim gap of 1/8 inch around a door frame is about the same as having a 2.墙上有个5英寸的洞通向外面. To find out which doors 和 windows are contributing to your high 能源 bills, you can look for visible cracks or simply feel for air by placing your h和 along all edges 和 corners. 如果你感觉到空气或者透过裂缝看到光, 考虑使用塑料绝缘套件密封, adding more weather stripping around the doors or re-caulking windows. 了解更多帮助他人的方法 使Windows更高效.


One of the biggest 能源 hogs in your home might surprise you: your water heater. Many are set to 140 degrees Fahrenheit, but 120 degrees Fahrenheit works well for daily needs. 把热水器调低10度就能救你 每年400美元或更多.


找到并修理漏水的水龙头——每一滴水都会让你花钱. Be sure to turn off the water while brushing your teeth — no need to let that water run without being used.

How about shaving off just a few minutes from your shower time — three minutes could save about 7.5加仑水! And that showerhead — consider replacing it with one that has a WaterSense label 和 it could save you about 2700加仑的水 这一年转化为省钱.


Technology continues to pay real dividends for homeowners, particularly when it comes to ways to 节省能源费用. Smart lighting options enable you to check whether you left lights on when you're away from home, 和 smart blinds let you open 和 close window coverings to take advantage of sunlight or keep out nighttime drafts.


在家里节约能源的一个简单方法是使用自然光. Open the curtains 和 let the sun in to help light those areas used most in your home. 在冬天,阳光甚至可以帮助温暖你的家. You can buy lightweight curtains or blinds to give you some privacy while letting in the natural light.


在圣诞节或装饰灯上使用计时器. LED灯寿命更长,更省钱 能源.政府. 晚上和不在家的时候,尽量关掉所有的节日灯.

看看这些建议吧 节省冬季能源开支为你的家防寒 无论你住在哪里.



你的公用事业公司通常免费提供这些, 和 they'll visit you in your home to help identify key areas to upgrade to save 能源 at home. 他们可能建议在不绝缘或不绝缘的地区进行提升, 并对新的暖通空调系统提出建议, 太.


A smart thermostat will change the temperature based upon the schedule you pick within the thermostat. Or you might use an app to control the temperature when you’re not home. Some thermostats have sensors that can be installed in different rooms so that each room can have its own temperature (if the air conditioner 和 heater are installed to accommodate this type of activity).


Simply replacing st和ard light bulbs with 能源 efficient bulbs can help save you money on your 能源 bill, 而且它们持续的时间更长!


Position new trees on the north 和 the west to block the coldest winds 和 summer's most punishing rays. In addition, consider planting new trees that shade HVAC units to help reduce air conditioning costs.


An 能源之星认证 洗碗机,超过它 平均寿命约为12年,可以节省多达3800加仑的水. And a certified washing machine uses about 30% less water 和 20% less 能源. 所有这些节省下来的钱加起来会让你的口袋里有更多的钱.

The information in this article was obtained from various sources not associated with 状态 Farm® (including 状态 Farm Mutual 汽车mobile pp王者电子官网 Company 和 its subsidiaries 和 affiliates). 虽然我们相信它是可靠和准确的, 我们不保证信息的准确性或可靠性. 州立农场不负责, 不赞同或赞同, 隐式或显式, the content of any third party sites that might be hyperlinked from this page. 本信息不用于替代手册, instructions or information provided by a manufacturer or the advice of a qualified professional, 或影响任何适用pp王者电子官网单的承保范围. These suggestions are not a complete list of every loss control measure. 状态 Farm makes no guarantees of results from use of this information.




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在寒冷的天气来临之前, take time to insulate your home or apartment to keep the winter chill outside.


Water leakage prevention, precautions 和 fixes, plus an overview of leak detection systems.


Look at these tips to 节省冬季能源开支 和 help 为你的家防寒 无论你住在哪里.


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